Tue, Jun 11
|Zoom Meeting: 854 5242 1713 Psswd: byte
This is the big practice for the big camp meet on Wed so we look like we know what we’re doing! We’ll be reviewing the power point presentation that Sophia has waved her magic wand over. This will most likely include a slide for your team that we would like you to introduce and explain for all our

Time & Location
Jun 11, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Zoom Meeting: 854 5242 1713 Psswd: byte
About the event
This is the big practice for the big camp meet on Wed so we look like we know what we’re doing!
We’ll be reviewing the power point presentation that Sophia has waved her magic wand over.
This will most likely include a slide for your team that we would like you to introduce and explain for all our virgin Byters!
This shouldn’t take forever as we plan to just hit the important points and ensure we’re all on the same page, so be there and let’s do the thang!
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